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Monday, July 27, 2009

One of Those Days

It was one of those days. Everything went well and a good time was had by all. All shopping goals were completed. No eating out was done ( I packed a lunch!) A bike ride was enjoyed.
My friend, Stevie, and I went to Morgantown. Might actually be the first time all summer. She is back from her trip to Ireland and it was the first day we got to spend together catching up.
We loaded the bikes on the back of the Subaru and took off. First stop was Pathfinder to get my fenders put on the bike, which by the way will now be known as Razzle...she looks most cool with her silver fenders. Next purchase needs to be a bell. Stevie needed a new inner tube for her bike. Then came the shopping part. Smooth.
Finally got to biking. We parked at MedExpress and went toward Fairmont. We only did about 15 miles. I know that is a diappointment to some of you who know I can ride longer distances, but Stevie doesn't have a comfortable ride like Razzle. Her butt was getting sore! I am the best of friends though and sacrificed my comfy seat and happy butt for her to use Razzle a couple of times during the ride. When we stopped for lunch we were near a field and saw several Monarch butterflies. They are amazing creatures and beautiful. We raise them and release them each year in Kindergarten. We saw deer coming and going to get drinks in the river, a squirrel and plenty of birds.
Stopped for a kiddie cone at the DQ and came home. Ahhh. One of those days.
Hope yours was as nice.
Oh. P.S. The show last night, that my Lydia was in, was amazing. I laughed and cried and enjoyed it tremendously. Near the end of the show we realized that every single cast member was a PHS graduate. Even Mrs. Broderick was in the show. The next one starts Friday. Big River. Nate Golden is Huck Finn. You should go!

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