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Thursday, July 30, 2009


Do you ever wake up in a "mood" for no reason that you can fathom? Today was one of those days. After these last few weeks of peace-fullness in my life it was scary to find my old whiny, negative self when I woke up this morning. With no luck figuring out on my own what had precipitated this sudden funk, I decided to pray.
We made our way out to Shangri La Ti Da and started to work. I cleaned the new stable of all construction leftovers, helped my husband with roof panels and painted. All the while a stream of praying is running through my mind. When my little husband had to run back into town for supplies, I sat in the quietness of the woods and meadow. As the symphony of nature soothed my spirit I realize that my prayers for a return to peace-fullness had been answered. Ahhh. Thank God.
ps...Baby Zoe, who will now be known as Lexi Grace to the rest of the world, came through her surgery with flying colors today! Ahhh. Thank God!

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