Read, enjoy and RESPOND. One of the things I can use in my life is accountability. You can help keep me honest, keep me thinking, keep me growing toward the person God intends me to be.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today was a quiet day. Church attendance was down...the preacher is on vacation, but Rich did a nice lesson on the men who signed the Declaration of Independence which they ended with promises to each other: "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." (Not a bad sounding idea for a fellowship of Christian believers, huh?)
His point was that you don't get to just say, "We're for it" and get on with your life. As with are not called to just say you believe and then show no sign to the world that you have changed. Could you get married, say, "I do" and then just live your life as you did before you agreed to share your life, with no changes? I don't think so. What would be the point? We each need to know what we believe, where we stand and how to share with others. We are told to take the Good News into all the world. Start with your neighbors. With all of that to think about I came home to take a nap...not too successful. Overly protective barking dog!
So, the nap was a bust. Deciced to go shopping instead for groceries and an ice cream cone at the DQ. Should have walked to the DQ.
Looking forward to going to get my bike's raspberry in color. Did I mention that? How cool is that? We will order silver fenders and maybe a dinger bell and those cool streamers for the handle bars, remember them?...OK, maybe not the streamers, maybe...But I do want a basket in front.
At lunch my little husband and I had a lengthy conversation about what God would have us do at this time in our lives...our praying will continue.
Join us if you care to and let us know. Thanks.
Going out to restake and water the tomatoes...BLT's coming along!
Happy Sunday!

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